Radon Testing



Radon is a cancer-causing radioactive gas. You cannot see, smell or taste radon, but radon is in every home. The question is, “how much radon is in my home?”. Fortunately we can find out how radon is in each home. If high levels of radon are found, radon mitigation systems can be installed and are very effective at reducing indoor radon levels. I’m able to deploy a radon machine(s) and get test results in 48 hours. When radon testing is performed prior to buying a home and high radon levels are found, there’s a potential of negotiating a radon mitigation system (or reduce the home’s cost) with the seller. See Radon FAQ’s for more information on radon and radon testing.

Real Estate Radon Measurement Pricing

$200 - Continuous Radon Monitoring w/Purchase of any other Home Inspection service.

Radon measurement Pricing for home owners

$225 - Short Term Continuous Radon Monitoring for concerned homeowners

Follow-up radon testing

$200 - Follow-up radon testing. Recommended when average radon results exceed 4.0 pCi/l. Recommendations for mitigation are based on the average of the initial test and subsequent follow-up tests.

As a licensed radon measurement provider for the State of MN, we’re able to provide hourly radon measurements via continuous radon monitoring to determine if radon mitigation is necessary.
