Pool Inspection


Yay! Your new house has a pool! Is it functioning properly? Is it heated? Is is safe? This inspection includes evaluation of many pool components and various pool safety items. However, this is not a substitute to having your pool and it’s components maintained and inspected by a qualified pool contractor. My findings can potentially lead to negotiations with the seller to repair or maintain the pool & ensure the pool is functional upon your occupancy.

pool inspection includes evaluation of the floowing

  • Pool liner or surface walls and floor

  • Pool decking and grading

  • Permanent pool accessories (ladders, slides, diving boards, etc…)

  • Pumps for circulating water

  • Pumps for vacuuming or cleaning

  • Pool heater

  • Safety of electrical outlets, light fixtures & other electrical components near the pool

  • Overflow skimmers and drains

  • Rescue equipment

  • Containment of pool chemicals

  • Pool depth and diving safety

  • View of the pool from the house. Is there any obstructions? (for safety reasons)

  • Is there proper fencing and self-closing/locking gates?

What’s not included?

  • Water testing (pH and chlorine levels)

  • Determine the age of the pool, liners and other pool components

  • Back-washing of the pool filter

Cost: $175